Accusations continue Sandulović: By whose order is my daughter being threatened, intercepted and followed?

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The Serbian politician, Nikola Sandulović, has revealed new details from the case of throwing sugar into the fuel tank of his daughter’s car.

Sandulović said that a tracking device used by the BIA was also found in his daughter’s car.

“During the inspection of my daughter Klara’s car, in the tank of which sugar had been put to block the engine and cause an accident, a tracking device was found that is used by Aleksandar Vucic’s Serbian private secret police – BIA”, he said. wrote Sandulović, in a post on the “X” platform

He asked that “by whose order is my daughter being threatened, eavesdropped and followed and who tried to arrest her?”.

“Is this also by order of Aleksandar Vulini or Aleksandar Vučić?! No politician in Serbia, except me, is in danger because of his views, as well as my wife and daughter.”

Sandulović said that “in Serbia it has become a matter of life if you oppose the criminal Aleksandar Vučić and his mafia state”.

“There is no freedom of speech, thought and normal life in Serbia. In Serbia there is only fear, primitivism, violence and nationalism! What do the EU, USA and Great Britain say about this and how long will they tolerate all this?”, said Sandulović.

Otherwise, three days ago, Sandulović said that after my kidnapping and the attempt to kill him, his daughter Klara was already the target of an assassination attempt.

They entered her car and poured sugar into her tank, which completely blocked the engine while she was driving it and almost caused an explosion”, wrote Sandulović, on the “X” platform.

Sandulovic said that only thanks to her composure, his daughter was able to avoid an accident while driving and stop the car safely.

“The car is currently at an authorized service center where the engine has been completely disassembled to determine if sugar has spilled into the tank,” he wrote.

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