Bajrami: Serbia is Reneging on Agreements with Kosovo, Violating the Basic Deal


Alban Bajrami, a deputy from the Vetëvendosje Movement, has expressed confusion about why Kosovo still faces active measures from the European Union.

The deputy stated that although Kosovo has met all the conditions requested by the EU, Serbia is reneging on agreements it had previously agreed upon.

“It is incomprehensible, inexplicable how we still have active measures from the European Union. Mr. Borrell’s report is positive about lifting the measures, but the decision to address that report has not yet come, it is still being delayed. We could say there were reasons due to the electoral processes that the EU countries and the European Parliament have gone through, but we cannot understand this prolonged delay,” said Bajrami.

“We have met all the conditions, while Serbia is going back on the agreements we have understood. Mrs. Brnabić’s letter, which was sent to the EU countries, violates the basic agreement and the Ohrid annex in four points.”

Last year, on September 24, a group of Serbian militants attacked northern Kosovo, resulting in the death of Sergeant Afrim Bunjaku. Regarding this, Bajrami stated that Serbia is inciting similar attacks.

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