The Democratic Union for Integration (BDI) has expressed concern through a statement regarding the amendments to the Language Inspection Law, which they claim jeopardize the independence and effective functioning of the Language Usage Inspectorate.
According to BDI, such an action diminishes the independence of the Language Usage Inspectorate, and as such, they will not allow it.
Full Statement:
“This inspectorate is a key body for ensuring the implementation of the Language Usage Law and the protection of the linguistic rights of citizens. With the recent amendments, Parliament has removed the legal status of a legal entity for all inspectorates, placing them under the full control of the respective ministries. The Language Usage Inspectorate is regulated by two separate laws—the Language Usage Law and the Language Usage Inspectorate Law—which clearly define this inspectorate as a legal entity. In accordance with the legal principle that special laws take precedence over general laws, these provisions cannot be changed or annulled by a general law such as the Inspection Oversight Law. Therefore, the government and the Ministry of Justice have no legal basis to subordinate this inspectorate to the full authority of the ministry and must immediately ensure that this institution continues to function independently, as stipulated by the law. Any attempt to reduce the independence of the Language Usage Inspectorate will be considered an attack on the linguistic rights of Albanian citizens and a step backward in respecting linguistic equality guaranteed by the Constitution and the Ohrid Agreement,” stated BDI.