Biography of Ismail Kadare, his most popular works and international awards for literature


This morning, at the age of 88, the great Albanian writer, Ismail Kadare, died.

Ismail Kadare was born in Gjirokastër, where he completed his secondary education; in 1958 he graduated from the Department of Language and Literature at the University of Tirana. Then he went to Moscow to study for two years at the Institute of World Literature “Maxim Gorky” (1958-1960).

Ismail Kadare is one of the greatest writers of Albanian literature and also one of the greatest writers of contemporary world literature. With his work, which has marked a record number of translations (in over 45 different languages), he has made Albania known to the world with its centuries-old history and culture.

He started the path of literary creativity as a poet in his high school years Boyish inspirations, 1954, “Dreams”, (1957), but he became known especially with the volume Shekulli im (1961), which was followed by other poetic volumes, such as : Why these mountains are thought (1964), Motif me diell (1968) and Time (1976). Ismail Kadare’s poetic work stands out for its deep ideas and for its rich and original imagery; important role for the enrichment of Albanian poetry.

In the field of prose, Ismail Kadare has worked on short stories, short stories and novels. Ismail Kadare’s first important work in prose is the novel “City without advertising”, which was not allowed to be published in its entirety until 2003. His prose is characterized by generalizations and historical-philosophical things, the compressed subject and deep thought. often expressed by means of a parable, on the basis of association or historical analogies. The idea of ​​the novel The General of the Dead Army (1964) is the freedom-loving spirit of the Albanian people. The author dealt with the theme of the invincible spirit of Albanians throughout the centuries in the novel Castle (1975). In the novel Chronicle in stone (1970) Kadare criticized provincial psychology and Prapanic traditions. Important problems of history are also dealt with in collections of stories and novels Emblema e dikurshme (1977), Bridge with three arches (1978) and Gjakftohtësia (1980). The peculiarity of Ismail Kadare’s talent appears especially in the treatment, from a new perspective, of the historical theme and in the sharp current sound that he is able to give it. One of the most outstanding creations of Ismail Kadare and of all new Albanian literature is the novel Palace of Dreams (1981). Most of Ismail Kadare’s works have been translated and published in over 45 languages ​​of the world and have been very well received by the reading public. He is the most famous Albanian writer in the world.

In the fall of 1990, Ismail Kadare decided to leave Albania and move to Paris. The writer at that time justified this departure with the “lack of democratic changes”. The authorities of the time condemned the departure of Ismail Kadare, but his creativity was not stopped. In 1990 and after, his work became the most powerful expression of the linguistic and artistic values ​​of literary Albanian. Ismail Kadare’s literature after 1990 carries the same essential features of the previous one: the ethnographic spirit and the presentation of the Albanian identity.

Ismail Kadare is the laureate of many national and international literary awards.

Since v. 1994 Kadare is a corresponding member of the Academy of Moral and Political Sciences of France and an external member of ASHAK. He was a delegate to the Spelling Congress (1972).

In 2005, Kadare won “The Booker Prize Man”.

Ismail Kadare has been decorated by the President of the Republic of Albania with the “Honour of the Nation” Order and by the French state with the “Cross of the Legion of Honor” and “Officer of the Legion of Honor” orders.

On 23.06.2012, Ismail Kadare was awarded the Spanish Grand Prize, “Prince of Asturias for Literature”, one of the most prestigious literary awards in the world. He emerged as the winner among 31 candidates from 25 different countries of the world where the name of Milan Kunderas or the Italian Antonio Cabucchi stands out. Ismail Kadare also wrote the well-known work “Lies from the love of Galdimi to Arife” in 2013.

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