Catalan MP Does Not Give Up: Recognition of Kosovo by Spain is a Priority for Us


The head of the Catalan MPs in the Spanish Parliament, Miriam Nogueras, spoke after their non-legislative initiative seeking the recognition of Kosovo as a state by the Spanish Government did not receive enough votes in the Spanish Parliament.

Nogueras stated that, as expected, the majority of Spanish parties have not changed their stance against the recognition of Kosovo.

However, the Catalan politician emphasized that “Junts per Catalunya” will not stop negotiating with all parties to gain recognition of Kosovo from the Spanish Government.

“As we expected, the main Spanish parties have continued their refusal to recognize Kosovo. We will continue negotiations with both sides to obtain recognition of Kosovo by the Spanish government,” Nogueras said.

In the end, the Catalan MP stated that the issue of recognizing Kosovo is a priority for “Junts.”

“It is a priority for us,” Miriam Nogueras said.

The voting process that took place today in the Spanish Parliament followed Tuesday’s debate specifically on the Catalan party’s request for Spain to recognize Kosovo.

In their speeches, the Catalan MPs argued why Spain should recognize Kosovo as a state and stated that official Madrid should not be on the list of capitals refusing to recognize Kosovo’s independence.

Meanwhile, on Tuesday, the socialist party of Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez made it clear during the debate that Spain’s non-recognition position is known and unchanged.

This request from the Catalan party came immediately after Spain decided to recognize the independence of Palestine.

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