Ekrem Bajroviqi is sentenced to 12 years in prison for war crimes in Istog


Ekrem Bajroviqi was found guilty and sentenced to 12 years in prison for war crimes against the civilian population in Saradran, Istog.

The indictment charges Bajrović that as a policeman at the Police Station in Gurrakoc – the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Serbia, in cooperation with others, on May 8, 1999, stopped a convoy of Albanian civilians who were fleeing for in Albania, taking 16 men from there and sending them to a house, where they beat them with strong tools and told them: “Where is NATO, where is KLA”. Then, together with the paramilitary forces, they sent them one by one to ZS’s house and shot all 16 Albanian civilians, among them the survivor NE, who was hit in the face with a machine gun shell and they had hunted him as dead in the pile of other corpses.

Also, on May 7, 1999, in the village of Staradran, he participated in the arrest and mistreatment of 84 Albanian civilians, so that the men first separated them from the other column of civilians, took all their money and other valuables, and then all of them were sent to Gurrakoc to the bar of Sh.S where they were ill-treated and tortured in an inhuman way, while on May 8, 1999 they were transferred to the police station in Gurrakoc, where the accused EB was arrested

The judgment against Bajrović was announced on Friday.

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