EULEX: Patrols on the Bridge are Conducted to Prevent Any Unforeseen Situations

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The European Union Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo (EULEX) was observed today placing vehicles on the Iber Bridge, where work has been ongoing for several days.

EULEX has stated that patrols are conducted to prevent any unforeseen situations.

They emphasized that their presence on the Iber Bridge is not continuous.

“To prevent any unforeseen situation, the EULEX Formed Police Unit is conducting regular mobile patrols 24/7, including—but not limited to—the vicinity of the bridge. We would like to emphasize that EULEX does not have a continuous static security presence on the bridge,” the statement read.

When asked about the general security situation, particularly if there are any potential risks, EULEX reaffirmed that “the security of all communities in Kosovo remains our top priority.”

They added that they are ready to assist the Kosovo Police if needed.

“EULEX remains vigilant and, in accordance with Kosovo’s three-tiered security response mechanism, is prepared to support the Kosovo Police if requested and necessary to contribute to maintaining and promoting public order and security in cases of civil unrest,” said EULEX to Insajderin.

On Wednesday morning, armored vehicles from EULEX and KFOR were seen on the Ibar Bridge.

Work has continued there today, specifically on the section of the bridge and its surrounding areas.

On Tuesday, Deputy Minister of Infrastructure, Hysen Durmishi, released the assessment report on the Ibar Bridge, which stated that the bridge is stable, durable, and functional.

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