Exclusive: Serbian Authorities Behind Hidden Terrorist and Pro-Russian Forces in the Border Blockade with Kosovo


A group of Serbian nationalists has received permission from Serbia’s Ministry of Internal Affairs to block Serbia’s border crossings with Kosovo, starting today at 6:00 PM. “The Geopost” has learned that the main organizer of this initiative, Radomir Rojević, is closely connected to the Serbian government, specifically to Deputy Prime Minister Aleksandar Vulin, and that his political party is in coalition with Aleksandar Vučić’s party.

Supporting the effort on the ground will be the terrorist organization “Civil Defense,” led by Milan Radoičić.

In addition to the Kosovo-Serbia border points, such as Merdare, Jarinje, and Bërnjak, pro-Russian Serbian forces from Montenegro will also participate, positioning themselves at the well-known border point of Kulla, as well as at the Montenegro-Albania border crossing known as Hani i Hotit.

It remains unclear whether the meeting between former BIA chief Aleksandar Vulin and Putin is connected to this blockade, which could spark new tensions in the Western Balkans. However, it is certain that Radomir Rojević, who visited Moscow in November 2023 and is a close friend of Vulin, is the main organizer of this blockade.

Radomir Rojevic

According to the organizers, the blockades at the administrative points of Merdare, Jarinje, and Bërnjak will not be lifted until the security forces of the Republic of Kosovo withdraw from the northern municipalities.

A document from the OSCE Regional Center in Mitrovica shows that Radomir Rojević was a representative of the Yugoslav Left (JUL) in Kosovo, a party founded by Slobodan Milošević’s wife, Mira Marković, who passed away in Moscow in 2019. JUL was later led by the current Deputy Prime Minister of Serbia, Aleksandar Vulin.

OSCE facsimile, where Rojević was registered as a representative of JUL in Kosovo

Rojević and Vulin were close friends even when Vulin was the director of the so-called “Office for Kosovo and Metohija” in the Serbian government, during which time Rojević was employed at this “Office.”

Rojević’s political ambitions did not fade after his career with JUL. He is now the chairman of the governing council of an organization known as the “Kosovo-Mitrovica District Movement.” This movement, lacking transparency in its operations, is a driving force behind the planned border blockades.

On the other hand, Rojević himself maintains concrete ties with Russia. In November 2023, he appeared as a panelist at a book presentation in Moscow at the state-affiliated “M.I. Rudomino” library. The book’s author, Danica Marinković, is a controversial judge known for her work during the Kosovo war, a time when Russia firmly supported Serbia’s aggressive policies in the Balkans. During the discussions in Moscow, Rojević referred to the head of the OSCE Verification Mission in Kosovo as a “war profiteer.”

Rojevic in Moscow 2023

The border blockade plan does not seem to be an isolated protest. It is part of a broader political strategy with regional implications, involving well-planned actions. The planned blockade aims at key border points between Serbia and Kosovo.

Rojević was previously involved with “Bolja Srbija” (Better Serbia), an association that shares its name with a conservative political party. In April 2023, “Bolja Srbija” officially merged with Aleksandar Vučić’s ruling Serbian Progressive Party (SNS), further consolidating Rojević’s influence within the upper echelons of Serbian politics. His connections to Vučić, combined with his ties to Moscow, present a picture of a man operating at the crossroads of Serbian nationalism and Russian geopolitical interests.

Other Organizers – Links to Pro-Russian Serbian Forces in Montenegro

Nedeljko Grandov from Nikšić will organize the blockade at the Kulla border point with Montenegro. He is known for his close ties to Russia’s Federation–“Mayak” Center. Supporting him will be Nenad Korać, Bogdan Femić, and Mirko Gojčanin.

Nedeljko Grandov

There is also an effort to block the Montenegro-Albania border crossing known as “Hani i Hotit,” with the same objectives. The organizer of this blockade is Milinko Sekulović–Mišo from the village of Seljani, in Plužine municipality of Montenegro. He resides in Nikšić and has announced that a group of citizens, led by military veterans from the 1991-2001 wars and members of the 7th Military Police Battalion, will organize the blockade.

Milinko Sekulovic

Milinko Sekulović was involved in the protest near the Jarinje border crossing on December 18, 2022, which aimed to set the border point on fire. Sekulović has also been part of organizing protests that led to the fall of Milo Đukanović’s democratic government, known as “Litije.”

Sekulović belongs to the Serbian far-right, with close ties to Russia.

Escalation Warning

The planned blockade, led by Radomir Rojević, is a clear effort to provoke tensions between Serbia and Kosovo. With deep connections to Serbia’s political elite, his ties to Moscow, and his role in nationalist movements, Rojević represents a dangerous figure working behind the scenes to destabilize the region.

This investigation reveals a broader agenda involving Serbia, in cooperation with Russia, seeking to exert influence in the Balkans, with potentially dangerous consequences. As these plans unfold, it is crucial for both the international community and regional actors to take action and prevent a further deterioration of relations in the Balkans.

The coming days will be a critical test for the region. Will this be another flashpoint in a long history of conflict, or will these destabilizing efforts be halted before they spiral out of control?

Source: TheGeopost

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