Former Serbian Diplomat: Vucic Sent Vulin to Meet Putin, He Reported on the Visits of CIA Chief and Macron


Nebojša Vujović, a former Serbian diplomat, claims that Aleksandar Vulin went to a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin on a special mission.

According to Vujović, Vucic prepared a “package” of information for Vulin, which he was tasked with delivering to Moscow. “Aleksandar Vulin went to Moscow and met with President Putin. Aleksandar Vucic prepared a package of information for him, which he had to deliver to Moscow regarding the discussions and results of the visits to Belgrade by the CIA director, a member of President Biden’s cabinet, Chancellor Scholz, and President Macron,” he said.

“Demonstrating his strong pro-Russian voting base and that he has not betrayed it, his regime is still closely aligned with Putin. Therefore, Vulin is making two trips to Russia in a short period of time, today in Vladivostok, following Putin’s visit to Mongolia,” Vujović noted.

He added, “The courier is unlikely to deceive Putin, but the sender of the letter will certainly deceive his supporters at home, at least the majority who do not have time to think for themselves.”

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