German Economy Minister, Robert Habeck, believes that Germany needs a strong armament industry because the global security situation has changed and risks and threats have increased.
Germany must be able to protect the country’s security, said the Deputy Chancellor and German Economy Minister, Robert Habeck, after a meeting with representatives of the security and defense industry. He emphasized the need for a strong arms industry in Germany.
“We must understand that we need this industry because the security situation in the world has changed and risks and threats have increased.” Therefore, not reflecting on them would be naive, emphasized Robert Habeck.o

The politician from the Green Party stated that it’s important to give room to questions, concerns, and fears related to the increase in arms production, but this is about Germany’s ability to defend itself, which means even through military means.
Habeck said that the armament industry in Europe still primarily operates at the national level, but cooperation is crucial. “The amount of money Europe spends is not small, but we do not always spend the money effectively,” Habeck said. Therefore, a common procurement market is now needed.

Habeck announced that the German government will continue discussions with representatives of the armaments industry.
Following the Russian attack on Ukraine in February 2022, the German government has changed its priorities. To modernize the Bundeswehr, a fund of 100 billion euros was created, and the defense budget was also increased. /DW