The Basic Court in Pristina announced on Friday the verdict in the case of the murder of Oliver Ivanovic, sentencing four people to prison, while acquitting another.
Nedelko Spasojevic, Marko Rošić, Dragisha Marković and Zharko Jovanović were sentenced to a total of 22 years and six months in prison, while Silvana Arsović was acquitted.
The author or organizer of the murder of the former Serbian politician in Kosovo is still unknown, but four of the accused were sentenced for participating in an organized criminal group that orchestrated his assassination and for abuse of official duty.
However, the Serbian List blames Prime Minister Albin Kurti for “persecuting” Serbs and for convicting them without evidence and for “crimes they did not commit”.
“The draconian, unfounded decision, without all the evidence, and the politically staged decision of Kurti’s quasi-court against the four Serbs on Vidovdan is a continuation of the ethnic cleansing of Kosovo through clear and unclear institutional violence that the Kurti regime has carried out against the Serbian people in the past three years.”
This party states that “this Vidovdan will remain written in black letters in the consciousness of the Serbian people” because the judges decided to send to prison even “four innocent Serbs with the aim of intimidating the Serbian people”.
“Arrests and decisions against innocent Serbs, without any basis or evidence, are not coincidences, but a clear message that anyone who is Serbian can be judged and imprisoned, and that all rules, legal norms, and human rights mean nothing if you are Serbian in these areas.
The Serbian List says that Kurti showed on ‘Vidovdan’ how much he hates Serbs and supposedly wants to expel them.
“The indictment that was changed three times, fabricated charges, evidence that proved nothing about the guilt of Roshiqi, Markovic, Nedeljkovic, and Jovanovic, marked this farce, which the Kurti regime considers a judicial process. However, this did not stop Kurti from showing on Vidovdan how much he hates Serbs and how much he wants to expel all Serbs. Nevertheless, we want to tell Kurti.