Krasniqi Publishes a 1999 Video of Thaçi Inaugurating the Kosovo Police Service School


Memli Krasniqi, the Chairman of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), has shared a video from 1999, the day when Hashim Thaçi inaugurated the Kosovo Police Service School, which was later transformed into the Kosovo Police after the country’s independence.

“In June 1999, Hashim Thaçi and his comrades returned victorious from the battlefronts for the liberation of Kosovo. Aware that after freedom, the path to building the state had just begun, on September 6 of that year, Hashim Thaçi, as Prime Minister of the Provisional Government, inaugurated the Kosovo Police Service School, which after the country’s independence became the Kosovo Police,” Krasniqi wrote.

“Therefore, today, on the 25th anniversary of the establishment of our Police, I express my deepest gratitude to the men and women who have served with honor, responsibility, and pride over the years. Kosovo, as a beautiful success story, besides its proper political leadership at the most important moments, is also due to the wonderful police of our country. Congratulations to all our police officers. We are with you and by your side every step of the way!” Krasniqi added.

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