Krasniqi’s lawyer: one of the pathologists who performed the autopsy was a witness to Milosevic’s defense of the Recak massacre

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Jakup Krasniqi’s lawyer, Shyamala Alagendra, said Thursday in The Hague that one of the pathologists who performed the autopsy that witness John Clarke was asked to interpret was a defense witness in the trial of Slobodan Milosevic over the Recak massacre.

The professor in question, according to the lawyer, was Stadica Dobrichanin, for whom the witness said that there was no personal or professional contact with this person, reports“oath for Justice“.

“Dr. Clarke, Do you know that Stadica Dorbricanin was a witness to the defense for Milosevic’s trial at the ICTY and even witnessed the fact in Milosevic’s defense of the Recak massacre that I believe you know, Do you know that?”said Alagendra.

“I didn’t know that,” Clarke said.

The witness agreed that the autopsy doctors should be professional and the nationalist, ideological, personal bias and in particular the experts of the communities involved in the conflict should be taken into account when judging the impartiality of a particular expert.

He denied receiving information from the SPO about Professor Dobricanini’s political and professional biases, which may have influenced his conclusions.

The lawyer then asked to be presented with a document, which Prosecutor James Pace objected to.

He said that the document in question has only two pages that are thought to have been extracted from a longer testimony and do not have the full testimony. He also said that the expert is a forensic pathologist and as far as the victims mentioned in the indictment are concerned, there is no mention of Recak’s victims.

As a result, the prosecutor asked the defense to ask what is relevant to these questions. Alagendra said he wanted to get feedback from witness Clarke on physiology.

“I wanted to get opinions from Dr. Clarke regarding the physiology of Kosovars. The physical attributes of the Jews. Characteristics of Kosovars, because he has been in Kosovo and is able to give us an opinion. In addition, I would have more information regarding professor Dobricanini’s impartiality,” he said.

As a result, the prosecution’s objection was dropped and Krasniqi’s defense continued with its own questions.

When the session began after the 30-minute break, Hashim Thaci asked to take the floor as he was present via video-link. As a result, his lawyer, Nina Tavakoli, intervened asking for a private hearing, which was accepted by the trial panel.

While, for the witness there were no questions about the defense of Rexhep Selimi represented by lawyer Eric Tully.

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