Kurti at Von der Leyen’s lunch, calls for measures to be removed against Kosovo


The OPM has announced the lunch hosted by Ursula von der Leyen in Brussels, where Prime Minister Kurti was present along with other leaders of the Western Balkan states.

Kurti congratulated von der Leyen on her re-election as president of the European Commission and expressed readiness to continue co-operation.

“Prime Minister Kurti initially congratulated Von der Leyen on her re-election as president of the European Commission and expressed his readiness to continue close cooperation in order to advance bilateral relations between Kosovo and the European Union and Kosovo’s European integration.”

Kurti added that EU enlargement is the best response for all those who threaten the peace and unity of Europe.

He has called for Kosovo’s EU application to be addressed and given the questionnaire and the status of the candidate country for membership.

Kurti also demanded the removal of the masses.

“The enlargement of the European Union, especially after the Russian military aggression in Ukraine, is the best response for all those who threaten the peace and unity of Europe. In this context, Prime Minister Kurti called for Kosovo’s application to be addressed in the European Union and for Kosovo to be given the questionnaire and the status of the candidate country for membership. At the same time, he demanded that the restrictive measures on Kosovo, which he called unfair and unfair, be lifted.”

As for the Growth Plan, Kurti said that Kosovo was one of the first countries to submit the reform agenda.

Kurti also confirmed support for the Berlin Process.

“On the eve of the 10th anniversary of the Berlin Process, he confirmed his support for this process, while expressing his commitment and that of the Government of the Republic of Kosovo for new agreements, and at the same time stressed the importance of the full implementation of the four mobility agreements signed in 2022 in Berlin.”

“Other issues that were addressed by the prime minister during the lunch were the Transport and Facilitation Program, the Digital Single Market, the common European Payment area (SEPA), the common regional market and regional cooperation and security.”

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