Kurti: President Rugova Represented His Policies Domestically and Internationally for Freedom, Democracy, and Independence


The Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, commemorated the 34th anniversary of Kosovo’s first Constitution, known as the Kaçanik Constitution, and mentioned that today, September 7th, in Podujeva, a statue of Kosovo’s first president, Dr. Ibrahim Rugova, was unveiled.

Kurti stated that the beginning of the last decade of the previous century was tough and challenging, but according to him, Dr. Gazmend Zajmi led the drafting of the constitution for self-determination.

“Anton Çetta led the reconciliation of blood feuds among Albanians; Adem Demaçi returned to his people after a total of 28 years in prison; Dr. Ibrahim Rugova led the Alternative for independence with peaceful resistance; Dr. Ejup Statovci was at the forefront of reviving the University of Pristina; Ukshin Hoti organized public demonstrations and wrote about authentic democracy; Academician Rexhep Qosja dominated historical debates and inspired the patriotic youth, among others.”

“In the early part of that decade, after returning from military training in Albania, Adem Jashari, Zahir Pajaziti, and Sali Çekaj organized armed groups towards the formation of the KLA. The social resistance that preceded the active student protests and the glorious liberation war required intellectual engagement, civic contribution, national dedication, cultural level, political awareness, and international affirmation,” wrote Kurti.

Furthermore, the Prime Minister said that with calm and wise words, through continuous and patient work, Rugova represented his policies in Kosovo and abroad for freedom, democracy, and independence.

“This statue of President Ibrahim Rugova in Podujeva, created as a work of art by sculptor Gëzim Muriqi, enriches the iconography of our public squares in honor and memory of him,” Kurti wrote.

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