Kurti Urges the U.S. to Pressure Belgrade for Radoičić’s Extradition!


Kosovo’s Prime Minister, Albin Kurti, has called on the United States to exert pressure on official Belgrade to arrest Milan Radoičić. Kurti made this request during a meeting with Senator Chris Murphy in the U.S., on the sidelines of the Democratic National Convention.

In addition, the Prime Minister emphasized Kosovo’s commitment to fully implementing the Basic Agreement and the Ohrid Implementation Annex. He added that for the agreement to be implemented, Serbia must also accept it by signing it as proof and guarantee of its commitment to the agreement’s implementation.

“Regarding the dialogue with Serbia, the Prime Minister highlighted Kosovo’s commitment to fully implementing the Basic Agreement and the Ohrid Implementation Annex. He added that for the agreement to be implemented, Serbia must also accept it by signing it as proof and guarantee of its commitment to the agreement’s implementation. Prime Minister Kurti underscored that Serbia must withdraw the letter sent to the European Union by former Prime Minister Brnabić in December of last year, which expressed Serbia’s rejection and withdrawal from the agreement. Serbia must return to the agreement and respect it so that it can be implemented. There is no implementation of the agreement because, first and foremost, there is no respect for it,” the statement said.

“Now, as we approach 11 months since the killing of our police sergeant Afrim Bunjaku in Banjskë, Zvečan, it is high time that the mastermind Milan Radoičić is handed over to Kosovo’s justice authorities, and for this, Kurti requested that the U.S. put pressure on official Belgrade,” the official statement added.

The Prime Minister thanked Senator Murphy for the meeting and discussion, expressing his gratitude for his continued support of Kosovo.

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