O’Brien cutting the ribbon, Kurti for the Embassy in Washington: Inauguration on the eve of the 25th anniversary of liberation, strong testimony to our alliance

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Prime Minister Albin Kurti has published photos from the inauguration ceremony of the Kosovo Embassy in Washington, where the US Assistant Secretary of State for Europe and Eurasia, James O’Brien, also participated.

Kurti said that the inauguration of the embassy in the new facility, among friends, on the eve of the 25th anniversary of the liberation of the country, is a deep symbolism, a strong testimony and a celebration of the alliance between Kosovo and the United States.

The facility of the Embassy of Kosovo in the United States of America is now the property of Kosovo and the permanent home of our Republic there. With a modern architecture, opposite the Washington National Cathedral of the English neo-Gothic style, our embassy building is now located on Massachusetts Street, or as it is otherwise known, “Embassies Street”. Its inauguration in the new facility, among friends, on the eve of the 25th anniversary of the liberation of the country, is a deep symbolism, a strong testimony and a celebration for our alliance 🇽🇰🇺🇸”, wrote Kurti.

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