Osmani, Kurti and Konjufca in Tirana for the burial of Ismail Kadare


Today, the last farewell is given to the great Albanian writer, Ismail Kadare.

The heads of state will also participate in the farewell ceremony in Tirana – President Vjosa Osmani, Prime Minister Albin Kurti and Speaker Glauk Konjufca.

Some ministers and deputies will also go there.

The world-famous writer died at the age of 88 on Monday morning at the “Mother Teresa” University Hospital Center in Tirana after a heart attack.

This is the agenda of the farewell ceremony:

09:00 – Public tributes at the National Theater of Opera, Ballet and Ensemble

11:30 – State Farewell Ceremony

12:30 – Departure of the procession towards the Tufina cemetery

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