PDK paves the way for the passage of international agreements, I will vote for them in the Assembly


PDK’s candidate for prime minister, Bedri Hamza, announced in a media conference that PDK will vote on international agreements.

“The Democratic Party will vote for international agreements. For us and for me as a candidate for prime minister, the priorities are clear, first the interest of the country, then the political party and finally the people as individuals, but above all the interest of the citizens of the country”, said Hamza.

According to him, the country is under measures and hundreds of millions of euros are blocked as a result of non-cooperation with international factors.

“Beyond the financial aspect, here we are also dealing with damage to the country’s reputation. In addition to these millions who are blocked as a result of the measures, there are also hundreds of millions who are not targeted. I have always said it and I will repeat it, every time there are under expenses it means that it is idle”, said Hamza.

The PDK candidate for prime minister has said that these trends must be stopped and that we must work on improving the standard of citizens, otherwise we will face immigration.

“We must return the optimism, we must work with our international partners, we must create a climate for investors to trust us”, said Hamza.

When asked if this decision came as a result of the meeting two days ago between the chairman of PDK, Memli Krasniqi and Prime Minister Albin Kurti, Hamza said that it had nothing to do with it.

“This position of the PDK is the result of my candidacy for prime minister, and I believe and will work hard that I lead the future government of our country. On April 4, I stated that PDK should vote on international financial agreements. Then I gave my personal opinion, today I am here to present the position of the leadership and parliamentary group of the PDK”, said Hamza.

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