Picula: Serbia wants to compensate for the loss of Kosovo by increasing its influence in Montenegro and Bosnia-Herzegovina

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The representative in the European Parliament (EP), Tonino Picula, estimated that in the context of geopolitical tensions and instability in the region, the West is not giving up the “do not budge” approach in the Balkans.

Picula, otherwise the EP’s permanent rapporteur for Montenegro since October 2019 and head of the working group for the Western Balkans since January 2020, says in an interview that “Serbia wants to compensate for the loss of Kosovo by increasing its influence in neighboring countries , above all in Montenegro and Bosnia-Herzegovina, which influenced the hyperpolarization of the past years”.

“Governments in Serbia may change more often than before, but the only one who determines the direction and pace is the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, and he is practically irreplaceable, as he and his party have grown in every pore of public, economic and life. media in Serbia”, said Picula for REL.

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