Police and Economic Crimes Return to the North to Inspect a Safe

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Less than 10 days after the closure of Serbian financial institutions in the north, the Kosovo Police have returned to the northern region today.

Kosovo’s KoSSev reports that the economic crime unit from Pristina, assisted by the northern regional police, is involved in the operation.

According to the local Serbian media, Kosovo Police teams are at one of the six closed Serbian financial institutions in the north.

Reportedly, they have unlocked the premises and are waiting for the cashier to bring the key to the safe.

The intervention concerning a safe, which lacked a key in the previous operation, was confirmed by the Deputy Director of Police in the northern region, Veton Elshani.

EULEX patrols and officers are also present at the scene, with two European officers inside and an EULEX vehicle patrolling the area continuously.

This action was taken a few days after the failure of the seventh meeting in Brussels to find a solution regarding the dinar among the Serbian community.

According to the regulation of the Central Bank of Kosovo (BQK), approved in February this year, the only currency allowed for cash transactions is the euro.

The American Department of State also reacted to the action, describing it as escalating tensions. The European Union has also stated that this action incites tensions.

The Government has said that every action was based on legality.

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