QUINT calls on Lista Serbe and others to reconsider boycotting the votes in northern Kosovo

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The representatives of QUINT and the European Union in Kosovo have said on Wednesday that they regret the statements of the Serbian List – the largest party of the Serbs in Kosovo – and some other Serbian political figures in Kosovo for withdrawing from the election process that will take place on April 21 in the northern municipalities of Kosovo for dismissal or not of Albanian mayors.

QUINT consists of the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Germany and Italy.

In response, it was said that even though last year’s April elections did not offer a long-term political solution, “boycotting the vote on April 21 will not bring any benefit to citizens living in the north.”

“Therefore, we call on the Serbian List and others to reconsider their positions.”

The Albanian presidents took their positions after the elections held in April of last year, in the electoral process boycotted by the Serbian List, which enjoys the support of official Belgrade.

As a result of the increase in tensions in the north and the constant demands of the international factor to hold new elections, the Government of Kosovo has presented in September of last year an administrative instruction that foresees the removal of a president from his position.

Although Lista Serbe participated in the first steps in the initiative to collect signatures for the removal of the mayors, a few days ago it said that it will not participate in the April vote in North Mitrovica, Zveçan, Leposavic and Zubin Potok. for removal of the mayors there.

On April 7, Lista Serbe, announcing that it is withdrawing from the process of replacing the mayors in the municipalities in the north, said that the planned procedures are “impossible” and that the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, “has done everything that the votes of fail”.

Earlier in the week, officials of the Central Electoral Commission (CEC) announced that the members of the Municipal Electoral Commissions (MEC) from the Serbian List have resigned in the four northern municipalities with a Serbian majority, while the member of the Civic Initiative for Freedom, Justice and Survival resigned in North Mitrovica.

According to the Law on general elections, MECs administer elections within the respective municipality, under the exclusive supervision and instructions of the CEC.

According to the CEC, the two entities have until April 11, at 16:00, to nominate the new names.

“We are sorry for the statements of the Serbian List and other Serbian political actors in Kosovo that call for withdrawal from participation in the vote for the removal of the president. Democratic participation is key to ensuring that elected institutions are representative of the population they serve. Voting is the basic freedom of democratic societies”, it was said through a public reaction of QUINT.

The representatives of QUINT have also called on the Government of Kosovo to respond to the citizens’ concerns and to react professionally throughout this process.

The Government of Kosovo has called on the Serbian List not to spread misinformation and not to put pressure on the citizens of the Serbian community “who want to be part of the democratic process of April 21”./ REL

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