Reactions around the world after the withdrawal of Biden from the race for the White House


German Chancellor Olaf Scholz wrote that President Biden has achieved a lot for his country, for Europe, for the world.

“Thanks to him, transatlantic cooperation is close, NATO is strong and the USA is a good and reliable partner for us. His decision not to run again deserves recognition,” wrote the German chancellor.

British Prime Minister Keir Starmer said he respects President Biden’s decision to withdraw from the presidential race.

“I know that, as he has done throughout his extraordinary career, President Biden will have made his decision based on what he believes to be in the best interest of the American people,” the British prime minister wrote.

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez in a post on the X network expressed his admiration for President Biden for what he called a courageous and dignified decision.

“Thanks to his determination and leadership, the US overcame the post-pandemic economic crisis and the serious attack on the Capitol and became exemplary in its support for Ukraine in the face of (Vladimir) Putin’s Russian aggression. A great gesture from a great president who has always fought for democracy and freedom,” wrote the Spanish Prime Minister.

Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk wrote on the X network; Mr. President Joe Biden, many times you have made difficult decisions that have made Poland, America and the world safer and democracy and freedom stronger. I know you were guided by the same principles when you announced your latest decision. Maybe the hardest in your life.”

The Prime Minister of the Czech Republic, Petr Fiala, said that this is undoubtedly the decision of a statesman who has served his country for decades. “It is a responsible and personally difficult step, therefore very valuable. I am praying that the United States will win a good president from the democratic competition of two strong and equal candidates.”

The Irish Prime Minister, Simon Harris, wrote that “the world has changed since President Biden’s victory in 2020 and we have had to face extraordinary challenges, from a global pandemic to the return of war to the continent of Europe with terrible aggression Russia’s large-scale invasion of Ukraine, which has deliberately targeted and killed innocent civilians. President Biden was a voice of reason, effective multilateralism and shared solutions,” he wrote.

The Prime Minister of Norway, Jonas Gahr Stoere, told the national television channel NRK that he respects President Biden’s decision to withdraw from the race.

“Joe Biden has been one of America’s most prominent politicians for several decades and a president who has carried out some important reforms,” ​​he said.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that the American elections will be held in four months, and this, according to him, “is a long period of time during which many things can change. We must be patient and carefully monitor what happens. The priority for us is the special military operation,” Peskov said, referring to the war in Ukraine. /VOA

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