Serbian Prime Minister Admits “All-Serbian Assembly” is a Basis for the Fight for Kosovo; Reactions Follow: Kosovo Must…


The 49-point declaration approved on June 8 at the “All-Serbian Assembly” – a joint meeting of the Governments of Serbia and the Republika Srpska in Bosnia and Herzegovina – is nothing more than the concretization of the “Serbian World” – the political unification of all Serbs wherever they live, say political analysts.

It was approved this June, and now it is officially acknowledged that the “All-Serbian Assembly” declaration is the basis for the fight for Kosovo.

Serbian Prime Minister Miloš Vučević on Wednesday called on all members of the Serbian Assembly to support the “Declaration for the Protection of National and Political Rights and the Common Future of the Serbian People” from the all-Serbian council, because according to him, it is the basis for the continued political struggle for the survival of the Serbian people in this area and the difficult fight for Kosovo.

Responding to claims by opposition Green-Left Front (ZLF) deputy Radomir Lazović that the All-Serbian Declaration is a “pamphlet and nationalist fiction,” Vučević said it would be good if the problems and challenges faced by Serbs were fiction, but they are not.

“It would be fiction if we did not have 300 final solutions for the emigration of Serbs from Mitrovica in Kosovo and if we did not have Prime Minister Kurti’s efforts to open a bridge between North and South Mitrovica,” Vučević said.

He also noted ongoing efforts to revise the Dayton Agreement, always and exclusively to the detriment of Republika Srpska, that the Cyrillic alphabet is persecuted and banned, and that Serbs’ gravestones are desecrated.

“The declaration does not solve all problems, but it provides a political basis and an institutional approach to implement state and national policies in response to all these circumstances,” Vučević said.

The Failed International Effort to Democratize Serbia

Political analyst Ali Hertica sees Vučević’s statement as truthful, adding that all of Serbia’s policies call for war.

“The statement by Serbian Prime Minister Vučević is true because it is historically known that all hostilities within the former Yugoslavia stemmed from Serbian nationalism in the Serbian parliament, where extremist nationalist groups led by many radicals created destructive and genocidal policies. Now, the entire hegemonic policy of ordinary crimes and war-mongering, whose base is the Serbian Parliament and the center of the Serbian Academy, not forgetting the church which often calls for war,” Hertica declares.

In a statement to “Bota sot” newspaper, he says that the state of Kosovo must be harsh against Serbia’s policies and must not think it has changed.

“The guiding principles of Serbia’s policy towards Kosovo are precisely the parliament that makes criminal and chauvinistic policies for Kosovo, augmented with all the state institutions along with the Serbian people, who always seem to view Kosovo as a Serbian cradle and from totalitarian nationalism.

The state of Kosovo knows and must always be harsh against Serbia’s policies and certain groups that may plan destabilization in the country and the region, but must not think that with the democratization of Serbia, it has changed its hegemonic policies thirsty for war in Kosovo,” emphasizes the analyst.

When asked why the international community is “silent” on such statements, Hertica says they try to strip them of nationalism and political hegemony.

“The international factor, even Europe itself, remains silent as if it has no interest because it thinks gradually to detach Serbia from Russia and not have its support. The international community plays this game for a while, as it did with Bulgaria until it brought it into the EU. The international factor is trying by all means to strip Serbia of nationalism and political hegemony and from this principle Europe always factors in Serbia and closes its eyes,” Hertica adds.

Dashevci: Serbia Continues its Special War Against the Republic of Kosovo

Regarding such statements and propaganda, Kosovo’s security institutions are informed, says security expert Arben Dashevci.

According to Dashevci, Serbia’s artificial policy contradicts all international norms.

“Serbia continues its special war against the Republic of Kosovo and this is clearly visible. The security institutions with their actions, I believe and in my opinion, have been informed about these types of propaganda for some time because this is Serbia’s artificial policy that contradicts all international norms where all this is for internal political consumption there,” states Dashevci.

He sees the origin of Serbia’s special war against Kosovo in Russia, adding that Kosovo’s actions are coordinated with NATO and the USA.

“Kosovo is an internationally recognized state and has its own security institutions that are coordinated in every action with our international allies, NATO and the USA. Therefore, these actions are Serbian propaganda as a continuation of the special war whose origin, in my opinion, is in Russia,” concludes Dashevci.

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