“Shame,” Declares British Professor: The Terrorist Leader Roaming Freely in Belgrade, Engaging with Senior Officials


Serbia has not been held accountable or punished for the terrorist attack on September 24, in which Kosovo Police Sergeant Afrim Bunjaku was killed.

The only person who has taken responsibility for that attack is the former vice president of the Serbian List, terrorist leader Milan Radoičić.

Westminster University professor Aidan Hehir expressed his surprise that Serbia has not yet been punished by the international community, as he believes all evidence indicates that the Serbian state was involved in that terrorist action.

“The Banjska attack could not have happened without the active support of Belgrade. The equipment used by the paramilitaries was undoubtedly supplied by Serbia, and this group has close ties with the Vučić regime. Considering all this, it is unbelievable that Serbia has not yet faced any punishment. The EU and the US have chosen not to punish Serbia as part of their soft policy. It is a policy as shameful as it is counterproductive. The longer Serbia remains unpunished for Banjska, the more Kosovars will feel marginalized by Washington and Brussels,” he said.

So far, Serbia has refused every request from Kosovo to extradite Milan Radoičić.

Recently, Serbian Interior Minister Ivica Dačić stated that Serbia does not recognize Kosovo as an independent state, and according to him, this makes it impossible to extradite Radoičić.

However, Hehir said it is shameful that Radoičić moves freely through the streets of Belgrade, even meeting with high-level officials.

“It is a shame that Radoičić walks free despite the murder of Afrim Bunjaku. Serbia clearly knows his whereabouts, and he should be arrested and extradited. There is absolutely no justification for allowing him to walk freely through Belgrade, meeting high-level officials,” Hehir said.

Milan Radoičić was questioned by the Serbian Prosecutor’s Office in October and charged with several offenses, including arms trafficking and causing general danger.

However, the court in Belgrade decided to release him, confiscating only his documents.

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