Stradner: The Serbian world is inspired by the “Russian world”, on Saturday Dodik and Vučić also mentioned Kosovo in the so-called “All-Serbian Assembly”


Behind the so-called “All-Serbian Assembly” are a number of reactions. Although the president of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, and the president of the smaller BiH entity Milorad Dodik claim that the messages of reconciliation were sent by him, many agree that the Declaration adopted at this meeting is a continuation of the Greater Serbia project and policy of Slobodan Milosevic, who in the 1990s started a series of wars in which he tried to implement the “All Serbs in one state” policy, with the support of Russia.

This is what professor Ivana Stradner, adviser at the Foundation for the Protection of Democracy from Washington, thinks, who claims that the Balkans are part of the Russian plan.

“Reading the text of the Declaration, as she said, the regional ambitions of Belgrade are clearly seen, because not only Republika Srpska is mentioned, but also Montenegro and Kosovo,” she said.

Stradner told “Slobodna Bosnia” that just as many did not understand Milosevic’s speech in Gazimestan in 1989, so many will not understand the importance of this Parliament, but will naively say that it is only for “internal needs” for please yourself.

“The Balkans is very complicated and it is difficult to understand identity politics, religious dynamics and ideology. Just as the Western economy did not stop the chaos of the 1990s, investment will not stop the new escalation. It is sad that decades after the war, the war in Ukraine is primarily Putin’s ideological war to divide the world into democratic and non-democratic ones of that plan.”

According to Stradner, the Serbian world is inspired by the “Russian world”, which is Russia’s doctrine of spreading military, political and cultural influence abroad.

“What is important to mention is that not only Vucic and Dodik were present in the parliament, but also the church was present, and this is how the “Russian world” originates from Russia, the world is revanchist which is used to rewrite history through the church and the spread of ‘traditional and spiritual values’, which is confirmed by the statement that was made in the parliament”, Stradner explained to “Slobodna Bosnia”.

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