Terrorist Attack in Banjska: Pre-Trial Detention Extended for Two More Months for Three Suspects


The Basic Court in Pristina has issued a decision extending the pre-trial detention by an additional two months for each of the three suspects—Vladimir Toliq, Blagoje Spasojević, and Dušan Maksimović—who are accused of a terrorist attack against the Kosovo Police in Banjska.

The news was confirmed to “Betimi për Drejtësi” by the professional associate from the office of the president of the court, Medina Gashi.

“Referring to your request for information, we inform you that following the request of the Special Prosecution of the Republic of Kosovo to extend the pre-trial detention in the criminal case against the defendants V.T., B.S., and D.M., the Basic Court in Pristina – Special Department on 20.08.2024 issued a ruling approving the request of the Special Prosecution of the Republic of Kosovo, extending the pre-trial detention for the three defendants by two (2) months,” reads the court’s response.

Toliq, Spasojević, and Maksimović have been under pre-trial detention since September 26, 2023.

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