The bones found in Podujevë, which are suspected to be from the last war, are sent to the IML for identification


The Kosovo police have provided details regarding the case of finding the bones of a man in Podujevë, which are suspected to be from the last war.

The skeletal remains were retrieved by the Institute of Forensic Medicine officials and sent for autopsy and identification.

“Podujevë Year 1999. The Directorate for the Investigation of War Crimes, in cooperation with the Institute of Forensic Medicine, carried out the order for exhumation at a location in the municipality of Podujevë, where fossil findings were found that are believed to be human bodies and belong to the period of the last war”, says the police report.

It is the Minister of Justice, Albulena Haxhiu, who announced yesterday that mortal remains were found in the cemetery near Tjegullore in Podujevë.

In a post on Facebook, she said that the remains allegedly belong to an individual who may be on the list of persons forcibly disappeared from the last war.

According to her, excavations are still continuing in search of other individuals.

“Today (yesterday), in the cemetery near Tjegullore in Podujevë, forensic teams from IML, with support from EULEX, in cooperation with the Kosovo Police and KQPZH, have managed to locate the remains of an individual who is suspected to be from the list of persons violently disappeared from the last war. The excavations are still continuing in search of other individuals,” Haxhiu wrote.

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