Threats of war in Kosovo, expert raises alarm after the appearance of the terrorist group “Arinjtë e Permit”


Researcher at the “Octapus” Institute, Gurakuç Kuçi, has stated that Aleksandar Vučić, with his statements and policies, is showing readiness to destabilize the situation in the north, as he wants to turn the decision of the Central Election Commission into a security problem, so that he can exploit it to blackmail the West.

Kuçi emphasized that Vučić places people in key positions who advance his “Serb-centric” policies against Kosovo, such as the director of the Military Intelligence Agency in Serbia, who advocates for the return of the Serbian flag to Kosovo.

According to Kuçi, Zoran Stojanović is part of Vučić’s policy and is fully engaged with intelligence and military forces against Kosovo. Kuçi: Vučić gives positions to his people to advance his Serb-centric policy

“Aleksandar Vučić, as in any other position, including in the intelligence position, has taken care to place people who advance his Serb-centric policy. In this case, even in military intelligence, Zoran Stojanović is part of his policy where they engage with all intelligence and military forces against Kosovo and are highly prepared to act at any moment. What Stojanović has said now is just a declaration of long-term work they have been doing against Kosovo. Stojanović actually has a history against Kosovo and of his collaboration, which has been a strong link between Serbia and Russia. Only during his mandate in different positions, Vučić has engaged as military attaché and now director of intelligence to create cooperation with Russian military forces there, in order to maintain ties and advance the interests of Russia and Serbia in the Western Balkans,” says Kuçi.

While the Central Election Commission decided that on April 21, the votes for the removal of Albanian mayors in four municipalities inhabited by a Serbian majority in northern Kosovo, Vučić called this a lie, which according to Kuçi, is Vučić’s political game, which he wants to turn into a security problem.

Kuçi: Vučić continues with the implementation of Putin’s policies

“This is a political game and a security game that Vučić is playing against Kosovo because it is known that even the decision of the CEC does not fall within the framework of security. But Vučić wants to turn it into a security problem. In this way, he also exploits it to blackmail the West and not just Kosovo, by showing his readiness for the destabilization of Kosovo in the north and throughout Kosovo and the wider region. Vučić also with such a statement wants to exploit it for domestic political consumption there, where he wants to show the Serbian people that he is engaged for a Greater Serbia, advancing the Serbian world plan. He is constantly working for Serbia, only he knows how to advance it. Vučić is the one who continues the destabilizing policies and the implementation of Putin’s policies in the same way he continues with a kind of blackmail policy towards the West, which unfortunately has so far been somewhat successful due to the policy pursued by the West,” emphasizes Kuçi.

He also spoke about groups supported by Serbia that have continued to threaten the security of the Republic of Kosovo, such as a group of Serbian nationalists called “Arinjtë e Permit,” in an open threat by calling NATO troops fascists and showing hegemonic aims.

Some of them have made a video in which they are seen masked and armed, while their threats do not stop. Kuçi emphasizes that these latter represent ultranationalism and their readiness to spread war not only in Ukraine but also in the region.

The researcher at the “Octapus” Institute says that “Arinjtë e Permit” is part of the groups that have appeared earlier and that the same have also been seen in Kosovo, and that, according to him, even last year they aimed to destabilize the north of the country.

Kuçi: The terrorist group “Arinjtë e Permit” shows ultranationalism and their readiness to spread war

“The recent appearance of this paramilitary terrorist group, which is engaged alongside Russia against Ukraine, is part of those groups that have constantly gone from Serbia to Russia for war against Ukraine. And finally, it culminated when the recruitment of these people from 2022 is done through the office of the ‘Eagner’ group, which office is already in Serbia and was opened last year. So, they have a kind of official appearance of recruitment, and this is not a hidden matter. As a result, this group is a source of this recruitment flow. As such, they exhibit their ultranationalism and their readiness to spread the war not only in Ukraine but also in other regions. By always representing the interests of Putin, who has a high readiness to make other areas of war, in this way to divert the power of his opponents and gain ground. Therefore, ‘Arinjtë e Permit,’ which has appeared with the current name, is only part of the groups that have appeared earlier. The same groups have also appeared in Kosovo when they wanted to destabilize the northern part of the country last year,” Kuçi emphasizes.

Otherwise, on Thursday, official signs of settlements in Albanian and Serbian languages were placed in the north, but the same were damaged during yesterday.

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