Vucic speaks after the “pan-Serb” Assembly, says that difficult days are ahead of Serbia, he also mentions Kosovo


The President of Serbia, Aleksander Vucic, after the meeting he had today with the US sanctioned Millora Dodik, continued his old adage, saying that Serbia is currently facing difficult days and claiming that peace is key interest of the Serbs.

Vucic has spoken about the dialogue with Kosovo, saying that there is no other solution than the dialogue process “with respect for Resolution 1244, the Brussels Agreement and the Association”, reports RKS News.

“In the statement we are making, we talked about Kosovo’s obligation to respect the UN Security Council Resolution, as part of the international order, but we also clearly talked about dialogue as an essential way to solve the problem between us and the Albanians. there is no other choice but dialogue and insistence on it, respecting the Brussels Agreement, fulfilling obligations, forming the Association and everything else”, said Vuçic.

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