The parliamentary assistant of the EP, at the same time a great advocate of Kosovo’s sovereignty, Federica Woelk, told RTV21 that the Association is not a condition for Kosovo’s membership in the Council of Europe.
“No, I do not think that the ASM is a condition for Kosovo’s membership in the EC. I think some MS use it as an excuse, but it is very clear from the report that Kosovo’s membership does not depend on ASM. No, there is absolutely no risk that Kosovo will not be included in the agenda of the EC Council of Ministers. It passed the first step successfully, they cannot turn back now, it is too late and it would be embarrassing for the Council of Europe Institution”, said Woelku.
According to Woelk, the issue of establishing the Association is being misused by some countries that want to maintain good relations with Serbia.
“And no, the Association is NOT a condition. Italy is misusing this to maintain good relations with Serbia, but NO ONE made it a condition and the report is quite clear, saying that AFTER membership Kosovo will have to work on this, not before,” said Woelku to RTV21.
The meeting of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe is expected to be held on May 17.