American professor: The SC’s surprise was that Kosovo and Russia agreed on the importance of the NATO air campaign, Putin has thrown Serbia under the bus

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Johns Hopkins University professor in the USA, Edward Joseph commented on yesterday’s debate between President Vjosa Osmani and President Aleksandar Vučić at the UN Security Council meeting.

Joseph wrote that the bombastic Vuçiqi was defeated by Osmani with a dignified preparation and that according to him this was expected.

“The biggest surprise from today’s UNSC confrontation between the President of Kosovo, Vjosa Osmani and the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić: The bombastic Vučić was defeated by Osmani, who was completely prepared? No, this was expected.”

Joseph wrote that the real surprise was that Kosovo and Russia agreed on the importance of the 1999 NATO air campaign.

“Osmani: “NATO’s intervention … marked a … decisive historical moment in the history of mankind.” The Russian representative: “NATO’s aggression against the former Yugoslavia became a watershed in global history,” wrote Johns Hopkins University professor.

He further wrote that Putin has already thrown Serbia under the bus.

“The revelation – known to Serbs willing to face the truth: Kosovo is simply a tool for Moscow to use against Ukraine. Putin has already thrown Serbia under the bus, invoking NATO’s completely different intervention in the case of Kosovo to legitimize Russian aggression against Ukraine.

No, Putin: there will be no ‘parallel agreement’ for Kosovo and Ukraine in the Security Council. There will be no division of any state. Osmani’s version of the NATO intervention prevails,” wrote Joseph.

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