BiH’s candidate status in the NATO Parliamentary Assembly has been officially confirmed


The NATO Parliamentary Assembly held a plenary session on Monday in Sofia, in which the candidate status of Bosnia-Herzegovina, Georgia and Moldova in the Parliamentary Assembly was officially confirmed.

Also, the Declaration on the formation of NATO was approved, which confirms the full support for Ukraine, Georgia and Bosnia and Herzegovina on the path to membership in the alliance, Chairman of the Delegation of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina to the Parliamentary Assembly of NATO . Kemal Ademovic and the deputy head of the delegation, Obren Petrović, participated in the session.

As the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina announced, in this session at the summit in Washington, the Declaration on the Formation of NATO for future generations was approved, which confirms the alliance as a cornerstone of European and North American security, expresses satisfaction with the membership of Sweden and confirms full support. for Ukraine, Georgia and Bosnia-Herzegovina on the path to membership.

The approved amendments and additions to the PSNATO Rules of Procedure officially confirmed the candidate status of Bosnia-Herzegovina, Georgia and Moldova in the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, which brings with it the newly introduced status and privileges of those countries as expansion of the number of members of the delegations of the candidate countries (increase by three to five existing members of the BiH delegation), greater privileges for participation in NATO and PSNATO board sessions, powers such as presenting amendments to parliamentary documents and wider participation in future events organized by NATO.

The session opened with a welcome speech by the president of the NATO Parliament, Michael Szczerba, who emphasized the need for urgent assistance to Ukraine, which, he said, is reflected in the adopted statement on PSNATO’s support for Ukraine in the conflict of continuous with Russia.

The President also emphasized the importance of fighting against hybrid ways of warfare and especially against disinformation in today’s technologically advanced times. He welcomed Sweden’s accession to NATO and its first participation in the PSNATO session as a full member.

In his speech, the Secretary General of NATO, Jens Stoltenberg, emphasized that the main goal of NATO is to maintain peace. On the eve of NATO’s 75th anniversary, Stoltenberg emphasized that NATO is working successfully to maintain peace and that during all that time there has not been a single armed attack against a member country.

The number of 20 countries that allocate more than 2% of GDP to the defense segment, the announced establishment of the Center for Democratic Sustainability at NATO headquarters and unfulfilled promises to help Ukraine by member states were highlighted. The importance of NATO’s partner countries at the time of the Organization’s open door policy, both in the Western Balkans region, as well as in Africa and the Gulf countries, was emphasized.

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