Memorial to the First Public Appearance of the KLA Unveiled in Llaushë, Skenderaj

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Today, in Llaushë, Skenderaj, the memorial marking the first public appearance of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) was unveiled.

A large number of citizens from all over Kosovo gathered today, just as they did 27 years ago, when the KLA soldiers publicly appeared for the first time in Llaushë.

The most significant moment of the ceremony was the raising of the flag in the courtyard of the “Halil Geci” school, carried out by soldiers of Brigade 112, led by Arben Haliti.

The initiator of the memorial’s construction, Arbër Geci, reminisced about the days when the decision was made for the KLA to make its public debut. He mentioned that everything had been meticulously prepared for this day, which marked a major turning point in confronting Serbian occupation.

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