The director of the Institute for European Affairs in Belgrade, Naim Leo Besiri, has said that since the government of Serbia used war criminals and its relativists to revolt against the UN resolution commemorating the genocide committed in Srebrenica, Serbia there is no need to leave the Council of Europe, since according to Besir, the Council of Europe will expel Serbia, writes Express.
Meanwhile, he says that during this time, Kosovo will approve the law on cohabitation between the same sexes and will join the Council of Europe.
“Since the government used war criminals and relativists to revolt against the UN resolution commemorating the genocide committed in Srebrenica, Serbia does not need to leave the Council of Europe, they will expel us. Meanwhile, Kosovo approves a law on same-sex partnerships and will accept them in the Council of Europe”, wrote Besiri.
Kako je vlast upregla ratne zločince i relativizatore na bunu protiv rezolucije UN kojom se obeležava počinjeni genocid u Srebrenici ne treba Srbija da izlazi iz Saveta Evrope, izbaciće nas.
Za to vreme Kosovo usvaja zakon o istopolnom partnerstvu i primiće ih u Savet Evrope.
— Naim Leo BEŠIRI (@NaimLeoBesiri) April 27, 2024